The Conference of the Provincial Superiors of the Region Europe in Switzerland


Provincial Superiors_EuropeFollowing the invitation by the Swiss provincial, P. Roman Zwick MSF, the provincial superiors of the Missionaries of the Holy Family of the Region Europe met in Werthenstein, Switzerland , from  8- 10 June 2010. The provincial superiors took part in the conference together with one member of their respective assistants. Fr. General, Edmund Jan Michalski MSF and Fr. Santiago Fernandez del Campo MSF represented the Generalate at the conference. Participants of the conference were: from Germany Fr. Dieter Knoche MSF and Fr. Michael Baumbach MSF; from Spain Fr. Gabriel Salazar Alonzo MSF and Fr. José Antonio Mayo MSF; from France Fr. Raymond Brück MSF and Fr. Claude Avrillon MSF; from Holland Fr. Johannes Zwirs MSF and Fr. Fredericus Groot MSF; from Poland Fr. Marian Kołodziejcyk MSF and Fr. Adam Sobczyk MSF; from Switzerland Fr. Roman Zwick MSF, Fr. Julius Zihlman MSF, Fr. Xaver Müller MSF, and Fr. Bernhard Gischig MSF, as Secretary to the conference.

The conference dealt with the theme: “The Situation of the European Provinces and their Future.”

The provincial superiors gave a report on the situation of their respective provinces and outlined the most important challenges they have to face. Fr. Michael Baumbach MSF gave a summary of the speech by professor Mrs. Dr. Wijlens, at the provincial chapter in Germany at the beginning of the year. The theme was: “Our Challenges and Medium-Range prospects.” They formed two groups, German and Italian, in order to reflect the theme in more detail.

The representatives from Rome explained their considerations, mainly thoughts from the half-yearly conference of the Unione Superiori Generali (USG). They had dealt with the theme: “The Situation of Religious Life in Europe and the increase in the percentage of old members with a few exception of East Europe, especially in Poland”.  Fr. Roman Zwick MSF, provincial and missionary procurator delivered a speech on “The Work of the Missionary Procurators, Coordination and Cooperation.” The participants also gave considerations to a theme, which was explained by Fr. Xaver Müller “The Archive: Methodology, Conservation and Criteria.”

The participants also visited the monastery of Einsiedeln and thereafter they went to meet the confreres in Nuolen. At the end of the conference they elected coordinators for the Region Europe. They elected Fr. Egon Färber and Fr. Raymond Brück because of their experience and knowledge of languages. At the end of the conference, 11 June, the general superior spoke to the participants and encouraged them putting emphasis on the thought “Our Mission must not come to an end, it must continue!”

P. Santiago Fernandez del Campo msf

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